Health Economics and Quality Management “Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement” – Clinic and Practise – Economy and Politics
“Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement” is the leading specialist journal in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as far as health economics is concerned. This journal is the official executive body of the Association for Quality Management in the health care sector. It is published by the Thieme Publishers with Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Rychlik, Director of the Institute of Empirical Health Economics, Burscheid, Germany as the responsible editor.
Health economics attempts to correlate the results from health related measures determined by economic and scientific evaluation methods with their economic consequences. Quality management aims to maintain and increase health care standards for patients. Without quality standards it would be inpossible to conduct economic assessments. Therefore the editor found it reasonable to publish a journal that comprehensively includes methodical studies of economical approaches, assessment of quality standards, realising of consent, as well as the organisational consequences for managing clinics, practices reimbursement companys and administrative insitutions.
I. Gürkan, Heidelberg
H. Rebscher, Hamburg
Ch. Straub, Berlin
V. Ulrich, Bayreuth
Publishers / Editor:
Publication dates:
Every two months, 6 copies per year